Nicole Esposito

Library Media Specialist

Video Production Instructor
UConn ECE Instructor


Questions? Email me!


Study Hall Policy


Study Students that wish to visit the library:

    1. In order to visit the Library Media Center, students will be required to email Ms. E and your study hall teacher(please avoid calling, or drop ins, or sending hangout messages). nesposito@westbrookctschools.org
    2. I will reply to all emails and inform students if space is available, etc.
    3. Once students are in the library, they will not be allowed to go to another room in the building.
    4. If students have an appointment scheduled in guidance or need to make up a test, they should remain in study hall instead of visiting the library.
    5. Disruptive behavior will result in a loss of library privileges.
    6. No food or beverages are allowed in the library. 

Faculty/Staff forms

This area you will find forms to complete if you need assistance within your classroom or library.

New Book(s) Request

Class visit to LMC

Librarian visit to your classroom

Video help 


Student forms

Students, this area is for you to submit forms with book suggestions and book reviews

New Book Suggestion

Book Review