Leadership Courses

601105 - Teen Leadership

Teen Leadership provides students with skills and training in the areas of personal responsibility, principle-based decision making, leadership, emotional intelligence, understanding choices and their consequences, resisting peer pressure, developing healthy relationships, conflict resolution, public speaking, goal setting, and other similar social skills that students need in today’s complex environment.

 Prerequisite: None 
Credit: ½
Grades: 9 through 12
Length: 1 semester
Weight: 1.0

601106 - Teen Leadership II

Students are to identify and explain the key elements of a complex event, issue, problem or phenomenon then develop a method to explore the relationships between the key elements and their personal lives. They are to gather, question and evaluate the quality of information from multiple primary and secondary sources that they researched and come up with a plan in a project format that would assist them to draw conclusions and address diverse perspectives.

Teen Leadership II focuses on performance tasks where students incorporate real-world, college, career, and problem-based scenarios related to their interests. Tasks are self-motivated and require multi-steps generated by the student which allows for constant revision and reflection. Students are required to "think out of the box" and pursue learning based on interest and desire which increases their motivation. Everyday problems, issues, and events are reviewed through a wide array of media including but not limited to news broadcasts, social media, and published documents.

Prerequisite: Teen Leadership
Credit: ½
Grades: 10-12
Weight: 1.0

601108 - Teen Leadership School Climate

Students who have completed School Climate training or wish to participate in this training are eligible for enrollment through advisor recommendation. This course is designed to work with students as resources through partnerships with adult school community members (educators, community members, and parents/guardians) to help follow and live through the adopted National School Climate Standards. Participants will learn how to be critical drivers of school climate improvement and will be taught how to demonstrate their knowledge of climate while modeling how students can and should be working with adults as genuine resources/partners in this work. Students will formulate their current thinking on creating schools that are safe for all and schools that foster high-quality relationships among each and every school community member, adult, and student alike.

Prerequisite: School climate training, advisor recommendation
Credit: ½
Grades: 9-12
Weight: 1.0