Support Services

600325 - Bilingual Civics

Bilingual Civics is a course designed for the English Learner.  It is taught using sheltered language instruction meaning using comprehensible input strategies. The curriculum is exactly the same as the regular Civics class. It is a study of the American government including the development of the American democracy, the Constitution, and the Rights and Responsibilities of citizenship. Comparisons will be made with other forms of government both historically and those in existence today. The role of the United States in the world today will be examined as well as the structure of state and local government.  This course is required for graduation.

Prerequisite: None
Credit: 0.5
Grade: 9,10, 11, 12
Length: 1 semester
Weight: 1.0

600339 - Bilingual U.S. History

Bilingual U.S. History is a course designed for the English Learner.  It is taught using sheltered language instruction meaning using comprehensible input strategies. The curriculum is exactly the same as the regular U.S. History class. The course is a yearlong course with emphasis placed on social, political, and economic development from the mid-19th century to the 21st century. The first semester begins with Westward Expansion and the development of Modern America. We will then study America’s emergence as a world power and the impact of Progressivism at home. The semester will conclude with a study of WWI and its connections to both Imperialism and Progressivism. Second semester will begin with America during the interwar years and the United States’ role during World War II. Following this, the course will survey several topics including the origins of the Cold War, the Civil Rights Movement, social movements, and America in the 21st century. Extensive reading, writing, and research will be required. Particular emphasis is placed upon independent student effort throughout the course.

Prerequisite: None
Credit: 1.0
Grades: 9,10,11,12
Length: 1 year
Weight: 1.0

620153 - Developmental Language Arts

Developmental Language Arts is a course designed for students who could benefit from additional literacy support in order to read and write at grade level. The focus of the course is to provide students with integrated reading and writing strategies focusing on content area reading. Students will receive explicit and direct instruction in reading fluency and comprehension strategies. Direct instruction in phonemic awareness and phonics is provided as needed. Students' strengths and weaknesses are addressed through whole group and small group guided reading instruction. Emphasis is placed on understanding text structure, building background knowledge, making relevant connections to text, asking questions, inferring, summarizing, and synthesizing through independent reading, reflective journaling, written summaries, and open response questions.

Credit: .5
Grades: 9 through 12 
Length: 1 year - every other day
Weight: 1.0

 - Developmental Math

Developmental Math is a course designed for students who could benefit from additional computational support in order to effectively solve problems in a grade-level math course. Emphasis is placed on memorization of critical formulas, checking for computational errors, relearning topics taught in class, as well as independently practicing problems. 

Credit: .5
Grades: 9 through 12 
Length: 1 year - every other day
Weight: 1.0

620002/620003 - Academic Assistance

Academic Assistance is an inclusive period of supported learning in a quiet setting this is individualized based on the unique learning needs of the student. All instructors are well versed in all subject areas and available to assist students or guide them in an independent learning period.  

Credit: 0
Grades: 9 through 12 
Length: 1 Semester- every other day
Weight: 0